The photo dictionary is looking for jargon, can you help?

Let me know if you have found a word not listed in the glossary. Because the photographers vocabulary is continually changing and every new photographic process or new camera equipment has a special term or description there will always be a few terms not covered and these missing words will probably both confuse and bewilder. Why not contact me if you have that new term or jargon, you could help others who also haven't a clue what that jargon means! I will then add it to the list with a simple definition.

e-mail the editor at:

The growing photo encyclopedia

The Glossary is a successful collection of linked simple definitions and was designed to help anyone quickly learn a little something new about photography and hopefully to find the answers to photographer's 'gobbledygook and photo-speak? If you looking for more specialist help with a type camera or certain process you may find help listed on the links page.

The Photographic Glossary was originally created as a fully linked photography encyclopaedia to find the real meaning behind photographers photo-speak, photography jargon and camera problems. The editor would like to say a big 'thank you' to all of our many contributing users. Without your input, the glossary could not keep growing.

The Glossary was last updated: October 2023